About Diane

Diane Feingold is an experienced Watsu®, WaterDance and WRT Water Release Therapist® and Instructor in Santa Barbara, California and Worldwide. She learned Watsu® from the founder and brilliant creator, Harold Dull, and a host of gifted creators of the Water~Arts at Harbin Hot Springs where Watsu® was born.

Diane is a powerful healer and Life Coach who has further developed her gift as a Dreaming Healing Touch and Stillness Guide offering HED Human Energy Design Readings by phone.

Whether on land or water, Diane’s work is about the profound potential for healing through releasing our present issues, conditioning, and traumas. It is truly about shattering our fear based limitations and accessing the potential of living the life of our dreams.

In addition to offering private WRT Water Release Therapy® Sessions, Watsu® and WaterDance, Diane has created the ‘WRT Water Release Therapy® Intensive’ which consists of 2 to 3 consecutive days from 6 to 12 hours Water work. The experience often results in lasting, deep healing and transformation. As a gifted healer, Diane’s focus is about serving humanity; holding a huge loving space for the client/receiver to unfold into their own healing and true nature of radiant health and well-being.

Sessions are held at ‘Healing Waters’; a warm in-ground 97 degree body temperature, salt and mineral purification system pool. The setting is in a private aromatherapy garden out-doors in nature where the birds, flowers, trees, breezes, sunshine, shade, light rains and often hummingbirds and dragonflies come to say hello in this natural setting. Unpretentious, easy access and full bathroom facilities.

Healing Waters in Santa Barbara, CA

Cottage Care Health Systems in Santa Barbara, CA (for those with special needs)

Beautiful warm waters Worldwide.

There are other types of Collaborative Sessions such as:

  • Water / Augmented by Land tools through HED Human Energy Design Readings.
    Diane offers Private HED Human Energy Design Readings by phone. Discover your ‘Self Intelligence’ your road map of your life on land.
  • Water / Sound Healing through Ritual and Renewal called ‘Total Transition’ Please see ‘Transitions’ under WRT Water Release Therapy® with Professor Jakub Omsky where the cello is tuned to the clients inner sound or inner voice emerging with this resonance the ‘Receiver’ enters the warm waters with Diane for WRT Water Release Therapy®. A journey of transformational healing and nature.
  • Water / Sound Healing through the Sacred drum, crystal bowls, voice, tuning, didgeridoo, wind, fire and water… with the gifted Intuitive Professional talents of Shaun and Kris Oster and others the client/’Receiver’ experiences the vibrational resonance of ‘Living Music’ with the WRT Water Release Therapy® Session.

As an authorized Therapist and Instructor of WRT Water Release Therapy®, Basic Watsu®, WaterDance, Yoga, Breath work …. Diane utilizes her skills and inspirations as a Healing Touch and Stillness ‘Listener’ or Sh’ma (in Hebrew this means Listening Witness), Instructor and Life Coach.

Diane is licensed through:
WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association)
WABAR (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association Registry)
WRTB (Water Release Therapy Board) Chairperson
AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)Certified to offer CEU (Continuing Education Units).
School of Shiatsu and Massage

Diane offers Basic Watsu® and WRT Water Release Therapy® ‘Provider’ Trainings for those interested in learning the Aquatic Arts. 16, 20, 36 and 50 hour Aquatic Courses are available for CEU Credit. WABA, WRTB and AMTA certifications available for those interested in becoming licensed Watsu® and WRT Water Release Therapy® ‘Providers’, Practitioners and Therapists.

Please feel free to peruse ‘Secondary Links’
Diane’s blog:

Watsu® is a Registered Trademark of Harold Dull.
WRT Water Release Therapy® is a Registered Trademark of Diane Feingold
Healing Dance is an Aquatic modality above and below the surface developed by Inika Sati Spence and Alexander George
WaterDance is an Aquatic immersion modality developed by Richard Bock and concurrently “Wassertanzen” was developed in Switzerland by
Aman Schroter and Arjana Brunschwiler.
Presence of Being a modality of ‘Being’ created by Richard Bock and Shantam Lantz