12 Hour WRT Water Release Therapy® Intensive over 3 days


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This is a 3 day (12 hour) cumulative WRT Water Release Therapy® Intensive with Diane

As a cumulative 3 day, 4 hours each day; 2 hour WRT Water Release Therapy® Sessions morning and afternoon with midday rest for breaks and reflection. Private Intensive Therapy through Deep Somatic Release, the willing receiver has an Intensive unfolding physically, mentally and emotionally on a very deep and profound cellular level. Being held in the warm body temperature watery environment, heart to heart, one has an opportunity release resistance and compensation whether it has taken the form of memories, trauma and/or distortion. Deep Healing on a biological level can be revealed and the inducement of profound inner peace, states of relaxation, meditation, and joyful bliss can be found within the willing client.

“Going back to the Source. That is the essence of Diane Feingold’s WRT Water Release Therapy® work. Her work in warm salt water takes one back to origins, back to Source, a deep remembering of our first bodily experiences. In this way it is deeply healing and profoundly re-organizing. Diane’s work helps the body to remember its original integrity. The element of salt water combined with the hands and movements of a skilled therapist allows the body to naturally come back to its healthy beginnings, its essential wholeness. One emerges from this work truly reborn.” –Patricia Reis, Maine

Diane establishes a rhythm that works with each client’s needs and moves all body types through the water with healing balance, ease and graceful fluidity, giving the receiver a profound sense of freedom and joy.